Jorma is one of the most renowned and successful international executives in Finland. Jorma has served in managerial positions within the global automotive industry since 1990, working for companies such as Oy Scan-Automotive Ab, Oy Scan-Auto Ab, Oy Saab-Auto Ab, Scania’s Latin American business operations in Brazil and Volvo Truck Ab. Before his retirement, Jorma served as Vice President of Volvo Group and CEO of Volvo Ab.
Before his career in the automotive industry, Jorma worked within the technology industry in Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands. Jorma has served as a member of the board in the following companies: Assa Abloy Ab, SEMCON, Electrobit/Bittium Oyj, CPS Color Oy, Niscayah Group Ab, the UK-based Optare Plc, the Japanese Nissan Diesel Motor Co, the French Renault Trucks and the Indian Hinduja Group. Jorma is currently also a member of the Nordic Advisory Board for Permira, a Swedish capital investment company.